On Wednesday, October 19th, 45 students from AP US History and AP Government went to the US Capitol Visitor Center where they were divided into two groups. Each group was able to take a tour of the building and learn about its history, construction, and changes that have been made. Samuel A. (10th) stated that he “liked the National Statuary Hall because it is a great way to honor American leaders and remember how they changed the nation for the better. I learned that the Capitol has been constantly expanding. and renovating throughout history.”They also participated in a classroom lesson: The Debates of the Constitutional Convention of 1787. During this lesson, the students roleplayed as delegates in order to analyze the plans, debates, and compromises forged during the creation of the U.S. government and vote for the best plan they believed should be considered for the Constitution. Momoore O. (10th) stated that he “liked the classroom lesson. It made me feel like I was actually at the convention myself. I learned that New York actually withdrew in the middle of the process.”